Sometimes, we get emails from you guys asking for suggestions of alternative ways to sit when massaging. If The Melt Set Up isn’t quite right for you, check out these handy tips we filmed to give you some alternatives. You can even use some of these while you are learning your techniques and save The Melt Set Up just for the massaging.

As always, feel free to comment below and let me know your thoughts, or ask any other questions I can help with!


Mother’s Day just became so much easier!

We surveyed thousands of wives and asked them what they want from their husband when it comes to special occasions – with Mother’s Day approaching, this is one of those times.

The responses were simple – it comes down to three things…

Keep in mind she already loves everything you do for her.

You both work hard, providing for and raising a family.

You’re a team and you’re doing the best you can.

But there ARE a few things your wife wants over and above everything else, on any day of the year – but especially on Mother’s Day. Here they are:


one 0

She Wants Some Time


She wants your time, AND she wants some time to herself (she definitely deserves it!)

What this really means is a break from the day-to-day stuff.

Dude, it really is this simple – whatever her normal chores are, make sure that this Mother’s Day she doesn’t have to do any of them. Tidy the house, take care of the breakfast and let her sleep in while you get up to the kids. Okay, this is simple.


two 0

She Appreciates Effort


Your wife wants her special occasion to be meaningful – throwing money at the gift, or picking up a bunch of flowers doesn’t really mean much on special occasions.

Money and flowers are the easy way out and leaves the entire experience with a feeling of “meh” around it.

Anyone can pull out a credit card and pay off the purchase over time… Sure, she’ll say thank you and smile, but these gifts won’t be remembered, or even worse – it’ll be remembered as “that time you put zero effort in.”

Don’t believe me? Ask her if she remembers last year’s gift.

Hang on… do you remember last year’s gift?

Genuine effort guarantees a memory – and there’s more… genuine effort is the stuff that she raves to her friends about… YOU become the hero!!

She tells her friends “He gave me the most amazing back rub for Mother’s Day, it made me feel so relaxed and special!”

*BOOM* you just won Mother’s Day!

Effort = guaranteed success. This doesn’t have to be daunting, read on we have the solution for you.

three 0

She Would Love Your Attention


This is the easy part – she wants your attention.

I get it, sometimes it doesn’t feel this way. I’m like you… I don’t always feel like my wife necessarily wants me around, or that I’m annoying her (true, I usually am) but in reality, shes just busy with life, shes focused on her “stuff” and sometimes I’m just in the way.

Day to day routine has her focused on things that “need” attention, the kids, running the house, mortgage / work / bills – all the same things you focus on too.

But she does want your attention. Even if it doesn’t feel like it. Give her the right kind of attention and watch her glow.

Remember what your relationship was like before the kids came along?

Before you had a mortgage?

They were simple times – you could focus on each other. Trust this emotion… give her that again! You may need to break down some barriers before she gets it. Don’t stop trying. Be patient, and gentle, and loving.


Okay – we have a starting point, this is a big deal! 

We understand her needs. 

Now a solution… a gift that hits ALL the above points and wins you *BAAM* the “HUSBAND of The YEAR Award!” (Fist bump!)


The Solution

Give her a back rub!

Give her a back rub – show her love!

This is an experience that shows appreciation, that she’s been thought of and is deserving of your time. We guarantee she’ll be impressed with your Mother’s Day gift this year otherwise we’ll refund your money back!


Click here for the Perfect Back Rub - incl FREE foot rub vid




We’ve heard this statement before. It’s a dangerous thought process, and even more dangerous to verbalise. Although technically you’re not wrong; she is still a Mother, and if she’s the mother of your children she still deserves appreciation for everything she does. Remember, she doesn’t want something elaborate – just a little



Absolutely! If your kids are still at home, they should have priority. You can still totally smash this out of the ball park with a simple hug and a kiss, and a whisper in her ear saying later in the week I’m going to give you the best back rub you’ve ever had in your life… IOU Printables are included in the this purchase.

Try that – we promise she’ll Melt with just your words. If not, I’ll personally give you your money back!



This makes you look like a SUPERSTAR!

These punny printables has “thoughtful” written all over it, (remember effort is the key!) this looks like maximum effort but really it only takes 5 minutes to set up.

Use these punny printables as cryptic clues!

Download These Printables FREE - Click Here

This is a treasure hunt of cryptic clues that she finds throughout the day – in the bathroom, fridge, her car, back of the toilet door. Get creative, place them where she’ll find them. The more she asks “What are you up to?” the better the experience and your massage is going to be. The cryptic clues lead up to the main event later that night when the kids are asleep… Genius, huh?


Mother’s Day Sale Ends:


Learn the Perfect Back Rub - incl FREE foot rub vid



Hi Guys, it’s Emma here! It’s nice to take the reins from Den for a moment to touch base with you all.

I’m always here working behind the scenes alongside Denis, but you and I don’t get much face time with each other – and you certainly never hear me talk! Turns out I have an Australian accent too, just like my husband.

I caught up with Dr. Corey Allan from Simple Marriage and earlier in the week to ask some of the harder questions about keeping marriages connected and happy… and how to get more couple time.

We had an amazing chat and Corey shared some of his expert insights into marriage, drawing on his career as a Family and Couples Therapist and also his own 23 years of marriage.

Watch the video above for Corey’s great advice on:

  • What a connected, happy marriage really looks like
  • Some of the most important universal truths that will keep any marriage solid
  • How to steal more couple time, even when you’re tired, busy and have children
  • How to get out of a rough patch in your marriage (and why they’re normal)
  • How to work through the massage-sex expectation we see in some relationships
  • The markers of true love and how to cultivate them

What stands out the most for you in this conversation?

Leave a comment below to let us know, we’d love to hear from you!



It may be Valentine’s Day, but red roses and restaurant reservations are NOT mandatory. And romance needn’t be expensive.

Thoughtfulness beats all when it comes to romance. Doing something you know your sweetheart will adore is a thousand times better than racking up the credit card bill for overpriced flowers on one day when everyone else is buying them too.

As Paul Oyer puts it so beautifully in his article How to Be a Better Valentine, Through Economics

“Start by asking yourself, “What do I want my partner to think upon receiving my Valentine’s present?”

Suppose you buy your significant other a dozen red roses or a box of chocolates. She is likely to think, “All right, he cares about me enough to buy the obvious present.” Sixty-four percent of men buy flowers on Valentine’s Day, so giving flowers signals that you are like two-thirds of men. This is roughly the equivalent of writing “hb” on your mate’s Facebook wall on her birthday: it shows that you remember, and that you are willing to spend approximately seven seconds conveying that fact.

So how do you say “Honey, I really care about you, and you are very special to me”? Put your resources where your mouth is. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, but to credibly signal you really care, do something personal.”

Stay home, stay away from the crowds, spend some time together alone.

But whatever you do – acknowledge the day. It’s important you show your partner that you are thinking of them and that you appreciate them.

And then do it again every other day of the year as well.

Here is my Complete Guide to help give you some inspiration!

Chapter 1: Thoughtful, Non-Commercialized Gifts
Chapter 2: Date Ideas That Don’t Involve Restaurants
Chapter 3: Romantic Recipes
Chapter 4: Thrill Him
Chapter 5: Captivate Her

Chapter 1: Thoughtful, Non-Commercialized Valentine Gifts

Paying three times the price for red roses one day out of the year rubs me up the wrong way (that’s a little massage pun for you).

Some of these DIY options show you care, just because you put in a little bit of extra effort.

Free Punny Massage Printables (IOU a Massage)| Melt: Massage for Couples
Handmade Valentine’s Day Cards| Better Homes & Gardens
Classic Valentine Printables | Nest of Posies
How to Write a Love Letter | Art of Manliness
14 Romantic Gifts From Significant Others Who Really Pay Attention | Huffington Post
How to Make Any Gift Voucher a Romantic Present | Melt: Massage for Couples

Chapter 2: Date Ideas that Don’t Involve Restaurants

Like New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day is what we can commonly to refer to as “amateur night” – there’s something slightly uncomfortable and forced about sitting in a sea of tables-for-two on a set menu on Valentine’s night. Stay away from the crowds and do something at home or something completely different.

Give the Gift of Massage | Melt: Massage for Couples
50 Most Romantic Movies to Watch as a Couple | To Love, Honor & Vacuum
52 Ridiculously Romantic Date Ideas for any Couple | Melt: Massage for Couples
21 Date Ideas We Think You’ll Love | Marriage 365
Random Date Ideas Generator | $30 Date Night
What We Were Up to On Valentine’s Day | A Blog About Love
12 Secrets to the Perfect Picnic | Design Mom

Chapter 3: Romantic Recipes

Whether it’s a breakfast in bed or a three-course dinner at home, you’d be remiss to not make something utterly romantic and special for Valentine’s Day. We’ve rounded up some amazing recipes. If it’s dinner, make the effort to light some candles and dress up for the occasion. If you’re baking treats, package them in a beautiful tin and gift wrap them. Breakfast in bed? Serve alongside piping hot coffee, fresh OJ and pop a single flower on the tray too.

Restaurant-inspired Crab Salad Recipe | I Am A Food Blog
Heart Shaped Pizza Recipe | I Am A Food Blog
Beetroot Gnocchi with Lemon Pesto Recipe | What’s Cooking Good Looking
Veggie Valentine’s Day Recipe Round Up | Love and Lemons

Romantic Treats/Desserts
Chocolate Heart Cake with Raspberry Buttercream | The Vanilla Bean Blog
Lemon Meringue French Toast | I Am A Food Blog
Raw Vegan Hazelnut Truffles Rolled in Goji Berries | What’s Cooking Good Looking
Rose Petal Dark Chocolate Bar | Pure Ella
(Edible) Valentine Confetti | Nest of Posies
The Laziest Valentine Cake Ever | 5 Second Rule

Romantic Breakfasts
Baked Almond Pancake with Strawberries and Citrus | The Year in Food
Blueberry Pomegranate Chia Breakfast Parfait | Pure Ella
Valentine’s Egg in a Basket | Reclaiming Provincial

Chapter 4: Thrill Him

Men. I find them really hard to buy for, especially if we try and overlay our own version of romance onto what we think they want.

Here’s a secret: If a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, then a bouquet of bacon “roses” or a Man Sandwich will surely make him fall even more in love with you. I can practically guarantee it!

Man Food: Afternoon Beer | I Am A Food Blog
A Steak Dinner at Home | Dinner, A Love Story
The Marlboro Man Sandwich | The Pioneer Woman
20 Gifts Guys Secretly Want for Valentine’s Day | Business Insider
A Bacon Bouquet | Our Best Bites

Chapter 5: Captivate Her

Women love romance. This doesn’t always mean over-the-top gestures. There are some things that will always go down very well – Lingerie, flowers (she’ll be more flattered if you pick her favorite flower rather than just standard roses… what did she have in her bridal bouquet? What was the first bouquet you ever bought her?), perfume, shoes… or just a deep, loving kiss (especially if her Love Language is Physical Touch)

What Women Want: Top Ten Romantic Gestures | The Telegraph
A Guide to Buying Lingerie for Your Girl | Complex
The Meanings of Flowers | The Language of Flowers
9 Facts About Kissing | Huffington Post

This is an evolving, crowd-sourced book. If you have a resource or chapter idea you’d like to see added, just Tweet or Facebook us and reference the “Valentine’s Day Guide” to make a suggestion. If you like the article, please remember to share it on social media!

Sharing a massage is the perfect romantic gift for your partner!


  • Valentine’s Day!
  • Birthday’s
  • Anniversaries
  • To say sorry
  • to say I love you | I appreciate you | I adore you!

Picture it: a romantic night in for two, candles, a little wine, a little massage…

Gift your partner a lifetime membership to our Melt: Massage for Couples video series and watch them light up. Kick it off for them by actually treating them to a decadent massage on February 14th and they’ll melt beneath your hands.

We’ve made it extra easy for you with our downloadable IOU back rub cards and free printables.


Download Printables - Click Here


Step 0

Adorable Punny Massage Clues

Download these cute, punny massage printables for free. We like to have them printed and laminated, then cut them out and tuck them around the house – inside shoes, under pillows, on the bathroom mirror – as clues that something special is coming later.


Download Printables - Click Here



Step 0

Wrap Up Some Massage Oil

To make this gift really special, we’ve created our very own massage oil that you can wrap up alongside it.

Our massage oil is the legit, professional grade 100% Sweet Almond oil – nothing extra added to it. No preservatives, no additives no other oils to dilute the quality of Almond Oil. This is Denis’ oil of choice.

It’s non greasy, easy to apply and is progressively absorbed into the skin making it an incredible carrier oil that nourishes your partners skin as you massage them!

Massage oil is a natural choice – you’re going to be needing it anyway to get started on your massaging together! If you already have oils at home – then you’re good to go. If not – below are some resources for you.

What we like about carrier oils / base oils is that they’re made from the one product, for example: Almond Oil, Apricot or Grapeseed Oil. If you’re allergic to Almonds use Apricot or Grapeseed.

Oil blends will include a number of different oils and will usually come with a scent too. Be careful that neither you nor your partner have sensitive skin that will react with blended essential oils, or any aversion at all to certain essential oils (some aren’t suitable for pregnancy, for example). Do your research first.

This is Melt’s Oil – You can find it on Amazon.


Its on Amazon, there’s the 16oz Sweet Almond Oil + bonus travel bottle our very own high grade professional massage oil. We created a HUGE 16oz bottle to give you value and added a bonus 4oz (empty) bottle to give you flexibility for when you’re traveling and getting a little cheeky with your back rubs. AND, it’s just easier to massage with a smaller bottle than a huge 16oz mammoth thing!


Step 0

Get a lifetime membership to Melt: Massage for Couples

Finally, get a lifetime membership for yourself and your partner to our Melt: Massage for Couples video series. We’ll teach you all the secrets of an amazing massage with our signature massage techniques and sequences. Make this your special occasion unforgettable as a unique way to connect, be more playful and show that you care.

When you buy Melt, you’ll have it forever and you can watch it, use it and massage each other as many times as you like.

Learn in the comfort of your own living room. It makes a great stay home date night for two and it’s the gift that keeps on giving. By the end, you’ll be able to give your partner a delicious 30-minute back rub… and they’ll know how to rub you right, too!



Something magical happens when we give our relationships the time and space to bloom together.

Imagine feeling more connected to your partner in every way, being completely secure in your relationship knowing that what you have is rock solid.

This kind of intimacy can only be built over time, by giving yourself and your partner the opportunity to be together with no other distractions or people, on a consistent basis. Even if you’re having a terrible week, you know you will have time to touch base with your partner no matter what. It’s a feeling of wonderful support and connection.

“Us time” often falls by the wayside in long term relationships. It’s very easy to let all our other responsibilities creep in.

We push our marriages further and further down our To Do list and before we know it, we have are feeling disconnected from the very person who matters most to us.

Denis and I have been together for ten years now, and we constantly remind ourselves that longevity doesn’t guarantee happiness or closeness.

Cultivating intimacy is crucial to a marriage at any stage – and the longer we are together, the harder it is to nurture that connection without some careful planning.

It’s not at all romantic, but the truth is that as your relationship goes on, you need to work that much more at it, to ensure you can be at your happiest in your marriage.

The best way to do this is create a framework around how and when you spend time together.

Because if you don’t take the time, you’ll never have the time.

Here is how to get some more “us” time in your own marriage.

Develop rituals

Many of our couples tell us they love simple things like walking the dog, giggling and chatting in bed together at the end of a hard day or going to the farmer’s market. Or, you know, develop a regular massage practice! These small rituals are easy to do, and create very little barrier to your consistency.

Den and I love to take walks through our neighbourhood. We grab a takeaway coffee and go exploring while we catch up on what’s happening in each other’s lives. It’s a nice way to give ourselves some relaxed space to chat, and you always feel great when you get back from a long walk.

Find a ritual that can become a habit for the two of you. If you already have one, perhaps a second and a third one will work for you too?

Learn a new skill

Is there something you’ve both always wanted to do? Learn French, perhaps? Take up art class? Become a master of Asian cuisine?

Sign yourselves up to learn this new skill together and suddenly you have ready-made date nights every week to attend. You’ll both enjoy the learning and have something new to talk about and inspire you as well.

Get physical

I was surprised by the amount of couples recently who told us they love to do physical activities together and I think it’s such a brilliant idea. You keep yourself happy and your marriage happy at the same time – what great multi-tasking!

Exercise releases endorphins and gives you a great sense of wellbeing. Whether it’s hiking, biking, swimming, tennis or kayaking, find something that you can enjoy together and do it at least once a week.

Be spiritual

Your spiritual connection is one of the most enriching parts of your life, and it’s a beautiful thing to be able to share it with your partner.

For some couples this means praying, for others it’s meditation or reading teachings. Whichever way you express your spirituality, doing it together creates a powerful space for you to grow your connection.

Have stay home date nights

Time and money are always two of the biggest reasons couples cite for not spending more time together.

Having young children can also make it hard (and expensive!) to go out.

This is why we love at home date nights where you consciously make some “us” time but you don’t ever have to leave your living room!

Some rules for at home date nights: no phones, no computers, no interruptions. Try for when the kids are asleep – or if they’re a bit older you can let them know it’s date night and they’ll most likely keep away anyhow! – and do something new and fun each time.

A challenge…

In fact, Den and I love this idea so much that we’d like you to schedule some time within the next week for a stay home date night. Not kidding.

Right now, turn to your partner or text them or email them or call them and ask them if you can take them on a date night… without ever leaving the house!

What to do, you ask? Well, if you already have any of our couples massage tutorials then make it a gorgeous massage night for two, complete with candles, music and perhaps even a picnic on the living room floor!

Or find an idea from one of these 52 Ridiculously Romantic Date Ideas we collated just for you.