For people who have purchased our Oil on Amazon

Thank you for purchasing Melt’s oil bottle. We take pride in our oils, but we’re better known for our couples massage tutorials.

Your bottle gets you one month free access to Melt’s Couples Massage MasterClass

How to Access The Melt MasterClass Free

STEP 1: Verify that you’ve purchased your oil bottle

STEP 2: Get FREE access to Melt’s Complete Video Series

STEP 3: Give your partner the best massage they’ve ever had!

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“The videos have given me a new, tangible way to show love to my husband.”

“I’ve been massaging my wife for years and have never got the response that I get from using your techniques.”

“You’ve helped bring us closer together.”

“This is a great team-building, relationship-enhancing, romantic, downright awesome gift!”

3 Complete Back Rub Courses

Made just for couples | To learn at home!

Beginner Course

Relaxation Techniques

This course is lovely! You’ll learn a gentle and rhythmical massage that wont hurt your hands and will make your partner feel loved, appreciated and relaxed!

All couples should start here. No matter how experienced | confident you are.

intermediate Course

Knots, Stress and Tension

In this course we find knots, release tension and alleviate stress. Your partner will feel their muscles have been worked on, they’ll sleep better and be far more relaxed.

That’s if you can finish this massage before moving onto a little something-something.

advanced course

All About That Deep Tissue Baby!

For the couple that want expert advice and guidance. We’re going deep! Watch out, this is for total relaxation hitting those knots hard with every we got!

At the end of this course we combine everything together into a delicious 30 minute massage! This massage is to die for.

Ooh, The Massages You’ll Give!

17 techniques &
3 massage routines

5 Minute Massage “you can do this tonight! YUM!!”

This is the building blocks of every single massage you’ll ever give. It’s super important and easy to learn. This course takes only 20 minutes to learn & understand, and at the end of this course you’re given a 5 minute massage to follow!

  • Long flowing massage strokes
  • Easy to learn & easy to follow
  • Relaxing & Sensual, Beautiful – every couple should know how to do this.

At the end of this you’ll feel connected together, confident with your hands and ready to take on the more complex massage strokes.

15 Minute Massage “feels like heaven!”

In this course we focus on areas of tension and knots – locating ALL the places on your body that feels great when massaged. This is where your partner begins to hum and tell you things like “oh, dont stop…” and “right there, what you’re doing is perfect!” followed by “hmm’s” and “ahh’s!”

  • Release muscle tension
  • Reduce stress and sleep better
  • Drool worthy – this massage makes your hands feel like a pro!

For most couples – this routine is perfect! Nothing else to add, something you can come back to time and time again. Memorise this routine and you’ll forever know how to make your partner melt!

30 Minute Massage “for the advanced couples – is that you?”

Deep Tissue – The Advanced Course. Here you’ll learn how to properly apply deep tissue massage without hurting your partner, or your hands. You know that feeling, where you try so hard to get in deep and it feels like your thumbs want to fall off! we fix that.

  • Deep release of knots and tension
  • Focus on the important parts of the body that always hold tension
  • Release bound up muscles

At the end of this course, we collect every single massage stroke from ALL 3 courses and create one brilliant massage out of it! It’s good… it’s crazy good!

There’s enough massage techniques to last you a lifetime! Each time you follow along, you’ll get better. Each time your hands will flow more, knowing where to go with precision. The more you spend time massaging the easier it become to make your partner melt!

Recommend By Experts:

Melt comes highly recommended by Psychologists, Relationship Counselors, Marriage Authors & Writers

“I’m actually using these as wedding presents!”

“I like helping people get their marriages off to a good start, so I’ll put an envelope with instructions on how to access the video series in a basket, along with some massage oil, some candles, and a CD with really relaxing music. I think it’ll make a unique and awesome wedding gift!”

“One of the things I like about Melt is that it builds on a lot of the fundamentals of sensate focus”

“Melt allows you to passively share quality time to concentrate only on each other, replacing feelings of stress and anxiety with relaxation through mutual touch, and communicating with your partner about what feels good.”

“Massage speaks to several love languages at once”

Here’s a few of the things I love about the Melt Video Series:

  1. Denis keeps things PG-rated.
  2. We learned that we were massaging wrong—and now we know how to do it right.
  3. The videos are broken down into short tutorials making it easy to pick up, one technique per video.
  4. Melt is easy to watch together and do together.

“What a great way to spend an evening together!”

“The videos are well done, easy to follow, and straight-forward. Melt gives you a great foundation for a night where the massage is the main event, or a night when the massage sets the stage for even more.”

$34.95 p/mRelaxation ClassesDeep Tissue ClassesMelt's MasterClassupgrade to MasterClass PROStarter ClassesThe BASICS$34.95 - access now
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$34.95 p/mRelaxation ClassesDeep Tissue ClassesMelt's MasterClassupgrade to MasterClass PROStarter ClassesThe BASICS$34.95 - access nowBeginner classes help you get startedYour partner will hum with pleasureFind all the spots that feel really good!For intimacy and connection
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