What Your Wife Really Wants for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day just became so much easier!

We surveyed thousands of wives and asked them what they want from their husband when it comes to special occasions – with Mother’s Day approaching, this is one of those times.

The responses were simple – it comes down to three things…

Keep in mind she already loves everything you do for her.

You both work hard, providing for and raising a family.

You’re a team and you’re doing the best you can.

But there ARE a few things your wife wants over and above everything else, on any day of the year – but especially on Mother’s Day. Here they are:


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She Wants Some Time


She wants your time, AND she wants some time to herself (she definitely deserves it!)

What this really means is a break from the day-to-day stuff.

Dude, it really is this simple – whatever her normal chores are, make sure that this Mother’s Day she doesn’t have to do any of them. Tidy the house, take care of the breakfast and let her sleep in while you get up to the kids. Okay, this is simple.


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She Appreciates Effort


Your wife wants her special occasion to be meaningful – throwing money at the gift, or picking up a bunch of flowers doesn’t really mean much on special occasions.

Money and flowers are the easy way out and leaves the entire experience with a feeling of “meh” around it.

Anyone can pull out a credit card and pay off the purchase over time… Sure, she’ll say thank you and smile, but these gifts won’t be remembered, or even worse – it’ll be remembered as “that time you put zero effort in.”

Don’t believe me? Ask her if she remembers last year’s gift.

Hang on… do you remember last year’s gift?

Genuine effort guarantees a memory – and there’s more… genuine effort is the stuff that she raves to her friends about… YOU become the hero!!

She tells her friends “He gave me the most amazing back rub for Mother’s Day, it made me feel so relaxed and special!”

*BOOM* you just won Mother’s Day!

Effort = guaranteed success. This doesn’t have to be daunting, read on we have the solution for you.

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She Would Love Your Attention


This is the easy part – she wants your attention.

I get it, sometimes it doesn’t feel this way. I’m like you… I don’t always feel like my wife necessarily wants me around, or that I’m annoying her (true, I usually am) but in reality, shes just busy with life, shes focused on her “stuff” and sometimes I’m just in the way.

Day to day routine has her focused on things that “need” attention, the kids, running the house, mortgage / work / bills – all the same things you focus on too.

But she does want your attention. Even if it doesn’t feel like it. Give her the right kind of attention and watch her glow.

Remember what your relationship was like before the kids came along?

Before you had a mortgage?

They were simple times – you could focus on each other. Trust this emotion… give her that again! You may need to break down some barriers before she gets it. Don’t stop trying. Be patient, and gentle, and loving.


Okay – we have a starting point, this is a big deal! 

We understand her needs. 

Now a solution… a gift that hits ALL the above points and wins you *BAAM* the “HUSBAND of The YEAR Award!” (Fist bump!)


The Solution

Give her a back rub!

Give her a back rub – show her love!

This is an experience that shows appreciation, that she’s been thought of and is deserving of your time. We guarantee she’ll be impressed with your Mother’s Day gift this year otherwise we’ll refund your money back!





We’ve heard this statement before. It’s a dangerous thought process, and even more dangerous to verbalise. Although technically you’re not wrong; she is still a Mother, and if she’s the mother of your children she still deserves appreciation for everything she does. Remember, she doesn’t want something elaborate – just a little



Absolutely! If your kids are still at home, they should have priority. You can still totally smash this out of the ball park with a simple hug and a kiss, and a whisper in her ear saying later in the week I’m going to give you the best back rub you’ve ever had in your life… IOU Printables are included in the this purchase.

Try that – we promise she’ll Melt with just your words. If not, I’ll personally give you your money back!



This makes you look like a SUPERSTAR!

These punny printables has “thoughtful” written all over it, (remember effort is the key!) this looks like maximum effort but really it only takes 5 minutes to set up.

Use these punny printables as cryptic clues!

This is a treasure hunt of cryptic clues that she finds throughout the day – in the bathroom, fridge, her car, back of the toilet door. Get creative, place them where she’ll find them. The more she asks “What are you up to?” the better the experience and your massage is going to be. The cryptic clues lead up to the main event later that night when the kids are asleep… Genius, huh?


Mother’s Day Sale Ends: