Why The Beginning Is So Important
Apply Massage Oil
The Beginning – of your massage is this most important. Make your partner melt at the very start, while applying oil (which is possible) and the rest of the massage will flow.
For the vanilla couple, start by following a massage routine. Do it the same way every single time until it feels natural. This creates the best massages.
A Wet Massage – will ruin everything. Too much oil makes massage slippery and will leave your partner feeling cold. You will not find connection. Always build up to the desired consistency / oil drag.
Oil Drag – is the secret to an amazing massage. Friction is what makes massage feel good. There should be just enough oil to let you flow yet remain thin enough to drag your hands through a stroke.
Hair – requires more oil than usual. Otherwise it’ll knot and matte causing pain.
Neck And Shoulder Massage
Golf Balls
I Cannot Find It? – At first you may not find anything, trust the process and visualise a golf ball buried deep inside. USe relaxation massage to help your partner drop their shoulders – the golf ball may surface when your partner is relaxed.
It doesn’t feel like a Golf Ball – the texture and location may vary between bodies. Look for an inconsistency in muscle texture, something that feels like:
- A band of tension
- Two smaller golf balls
- Many tiny pebbles
Practice Often – get to know your partner’s golf balls. These knots dont go away. Once you’ve figured it out you’ll have a skill that will be with you for life.
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Couples Massage Concepts
Super Techniques
Massage Concepts – consider them super techniques. These are systems that can be applied to multiple knots / body parts.
You don’t need your partner present to learn these
How To Study Concepts
- Choose one concept & study it
- Apply it in a massage
- Teach that concept to your partner (verbalize it)
- This is the most effective way to remember
It’s Like a ShortCut – understand / study concepts.
- It’ll help you create your own massage style
- Easier to remember than specific massage techniques
- You’ll use them in almost every massage you give
Practice Often – choose a concept and work it into your massage routine.
Neck Massage – SternoCleidoMastoid / Scalenes / Upper Traps + More
Neck Massage
Rhythm – start with rhythmical movements and become confident with the large circular motions around the neck. In the beginning most couples are timid and shy with neck muscles. Build your confidence first and then explore depth.
Attachment Points – there are secrets to be found where muscle meets bone, explore this area and you’ll make your partner melt! The neck muscles adore massage, they hold much tension and the release is exceptional.
Stay away from the throat – it’s easy brush past the throat during a neck massage, do your best to avoid this – it’s feels uncomfortable.
Upper Back Massage – Trapzius + Rhomboids
Train Tracks
This Is Important – everyone has knots here, everyone is sore. Get to know the train tracks. Study everything I have to teach about this system, it’s a significant part of the body that will provide extreme relaxation and release.
Rhomboids – these muscles hold the most tension and will be associated most with train tracks. The texture of knots may vary from stringy and dry to thick and distended. They love massage, both deep tissue and relaxation.
Trapezius  – less prominent than Rhomboids and knots are harder to find.
Upper Back Massage – Levator Scapulae
Ski Jump
Headaches + Migraines  – it’s highly likely that this muscle will be involved with tension headaches and migraines. If the ski jump causes more pain – stop massaging this area.
Levator Scapulae – the ski jump is a knot found inside this muscle. It’s significant as this muscle attaches to the spine in your upper neck (from C1-C4). And tension will place stress on those joints. Everybody has tension in this muscle.
Know This – learn about this knot and everything about this muscle. Find it’s attachement points and how the fibers flow – it’s one of the easy ones to locate and to massage and will produce extreme relaxtion with even the basic of touch.
Upper Back Massage
Bloody Hurts
It Hurts! – this area is sensitive and requires care to begin with. Start light, move slowly until you’re confident and then unleash your best techniques! Surprises are not relaxing and trust is important. It’s easy to create a negative effect when you move too fast and hard and your partner is not ready for it.
Teres Major, Teres Minor & Infraspinatus  – these 3 muscles make up the bloody hurts grouping. Each have different functions (although are similar). Each muscle have their own knots. Choose to release them as a group, or pinpoint the specific muscles
Begin with – open hand / heel of palm techniques to start with. Broad strokes are comfortable, you’ll create a release and it’ll be deep but not overwhelming.
Middle Back Massage - Erector Spinae
Middle Back Massage
Rhythm and Flow – do this, learn this, it’ll elevate your massage to PRO status, fast! In these classes you’ll learn how to build your very own massage. Think of it as your building blocks where you can venture out to deep tissue massage on different parts of the body and then come back to these longer strokes to find rhythm and flow.
Erector Spinae  – a group of large muscles that run deep and along the entire length of the spine. They help keep you upright.
Use depth – learn how to use body weight to add increase depth into these muscles. A healthy body will handle lots of pressure and will enjoy depth.
Glutes – Gluteus Max, Med, Min + Piriformis
Butt Massage
Don’t Be Afraid – explore the glute muscles. Massaging these knots may cause pain (butt it doesn’t need to be that way). Play with different techniques to find what your partner enjoys most.
Gluteus Maximum / Medius / Minimus + Priformis  – a group of large muscles that run deep and along the entire length of the spine. They help keep you upright.
Deep Release – Elbows will create a sharp laser focused release – these massages hurt and also produce the biggest therapeutic benefits. Heel of palm is not as brutal as elbows and creates a broad and comfortable release.
Lower Back Massage – Quadratus Lumborum
Lower Back Massage
I Can’t Feel Anything – these muscles are deep and may be hard to find. It’s even harder on heavy set people. If you cannot find the muscle, take a closer look at the anatomy and ask your partner for feedback when locating.
Quadratus Lumborum (QL’s)  – This tiny muscle is probably the cause of most of your lower back pain. It connects to your ribs, lumber spine and hips. When it’s tense (which it often is) it’ll incredible lower back pain.
Unlike other muscles (where a knot is located in the belly of the muscle) the QL’s are usually tense along the entire length of the muscle.
There is a lot going on – the QL’s are not the only muscle in the lower back – there’s plenty more and they adore massage.
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Show anatomy of this muscle
- Show why this impacts lower back pain – the common cause
- Include depth of the muscle
- What the masseur will feel
- what the receiver will feel
Double Hands
Push / Pull
Lower Back Pain
Hips Rocking
Lowr Back Deep
Swoosh Here
Tiny Circles
Lower Back Flow
Lower Back Circles
Leg Massage – Quads
Quadricepts Massage
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Show anatomy of quad muscles
- How they move?
- Where people will find knots?
- Where does it feel good?
Leg Massage – Hamstrings
Hamstring Massage
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Show the anatomy of hamstrings
- How they move?
- Where people will find knots?
- Where does it feel good?
Leg Massage – Gastrocnemius
Calf Massage
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Show the anatomy of this muscle group
- How they move?
- Where people will find knots?
- Where does it feel good?
Chest Massage – Pectoralis Major and Minor
Chest Massage
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Show the anatomy of this muscle group
- How they move?
- Where people will find knots?
- Where does it feel good?
Spicy Forearm
Push Through
Deep Release
Chest Flow
Arms – Forearms Biceps Triceps Deltoids
Arm Massage
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Show the anatomy of this muscle group
- How they move?
- Where people will find knots?
- Where does it feel good?
Head Massage
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Where people will find tension?
- Associated complaints and symptoms that can be treated
- Where does it feel good?
Hand Massage
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Show anatomy of the hand
- How the muscles move the hand
- location of nerves and why nerves may be affected
- possible conditions / symptoms worth covering
- Where people will find knots?
- Where does it feel good?
Foot Massage
Notes To Denis – can you also include the muscle break down.
- Show how the foot moves
- Where Melters will find knots?
- Where does it feel good?
- Plantar Fasciitis
- related conditions to the foot that may be beneficial with massage
- sequences and routines
- different positioning at home