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head massage

Glute Massage

If your sciatica is caused by muscle tension… we can massage that out!

The glute muscles hold an incredible amount of tension, and the release is phenomenal.

This course will leave you with a feeling of brand new legs and more freedom of movement within your hips.

Exposed & Clothed

We pride ourselves on keeping your account clean and PG – your account comes standard with glute classes where we massage through clothes.

We teach you how to massage the glutes through yoga pants (and also with a towel) keeping your account modest.

FREE upgrade to exposed glutes

To level up your massage game, unlock the exposed glutes massage classes. This is a free upgrade and requires a special opt-in to ensure that you want to view this level of skin exposure.

  • You’ll learn more
  • You can apply oil which makes your massage better
  • And you’ll understand the techniques better
How Access This Course

The glute massage course is found in the following packages:

Both the packages unlock ALL our classes and gets you access to everything we teach.

You Get ALL options

View classes:

  • With glutes exposed
  • With a towel
  • And through clothes

There’s a lot we can do through clothes!

It doesn’t feel the same as with using oils but the release is still impressive. When nudity is an issue start here, get to know your partner’s glutes and the release they enjoy.

When you find that you want to level up your glute game unlock the exposed glute classes

  • You’ll learn the major muscles of the glutes and hips
  • You’ll knots and areas of tension, including techniques to release them
  • Massage routines are included to help you flow around the glutes
  • We do this on the floor so you can massage deep into the glutes for a heavy release
  • This course is a must have, everyone has tight hips and the release is heaven!
Access This Course

The glute massage course is found in the following packages:

Both the packages unlock ALL our classes and gets you access to everything we teach.

$59 Access Everything


Access Every Massage Class
Every Follow-Along Massage Routine!

($59 p/mth – no contract)

($34.95 p/mth – annual)

Consider a bundle… it’s cheaper over 12-months (or more) and you’ll need lots of time – there’s lots to go through:

Choose a Bundle (includes bonus oil)

Visit > Melt’s Couples Massage Bundles

Breast Massage
Couples Massage Classes

Exclusive Content! Therapeutic massage / includes nudity > learn more

Includes Nudity

Special “opt-in” access is required to watch the nude classes.

  • Deeply therapeutic
  • It’s highly recommended

This massage is remarkable, it’ll be an experience your partner appreciates.

> View Breast Massage Classes

Neck + Shoulders
Couples Massage Classes

Memorise These memorise every one of these massages, they’re pure gold >  learn more

Help your partner find peace and calmness

  • Do this when stressed
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Remove the weight of the world from their shoulders

> View Neck And Shoulder Massage Classes

Relaxation Classes
Couples Massage Classes

Your Relaxation Guide: everything you need to know > how to relax

Very easy to do (and feels amazing!)

  • For couples who have no time
  • Get to the good stuff right away!
  • Press play and follow along (no need to study)

> View Relaxation Massage Classes

$34.95 p/mRelaxation ClassesDeep Tissue ClassesMelt's MasterClassupgrade to MasterClass PROStarter ClassesThe BASICS$34.95 - access now
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$34.95 p/m
Relaxation Classes
Deep Tissue Classes
Recommended Upgrade
upgrade to MasterClass PRO
Hand Massage
Head Massage
Your Subscriptions
$9.95 - foot massage
Hand Massage
Head Massage
Your partner will hum with pleasure
Find all the spots that feel really good!
For intimacy and connection