Know how to give great foot rubs. Essential to happy relationships.
Teaching couples how to massage since 2006.
In our household, the foot rub is as good as currency. It solves debates, gets me out of trouble and each year wins me husband of the year award.
Hi! My name is Denis Merkas and I teach couples how to massage. That beside me is wife, Emma.
In my career I’ve specialised in teaching professional masseurs how to refine their craft. I’ve massaged celebrities including Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Flo Ryda, Pierce Brosnan, Art Garfunkel and many more. Also Olympians, tennis players, footballers, racing drivers and even royalty.
Below is my signature foot massage routine. This is what I do when massaging my wife. Come follow along with me.
What I love about foot rubs
5 minutes: That’s really I need to do to get my wife to bliss out, sink into the sofa and be “mmm” and “ahh”ing. I love that the most!
For Good or Evil: This is so bad of me *cheeky grin*, sometimes I offer Emma a foot rub just at the right time so things sway in my favour. After a night in high heels I give her a foot rub, and then in a blissful state of numbness I sway a conversation to fall into my favour.
And sometimes it’s a foot rub just because you know, I love her want to make her happy. Foot rubs are heaven!
Simplicity: Foot rubs aren’t complicated. That’s the best thing about them! Easy to do and feel amazing.