Head, Hands And Feet Packages For You
3 laid back, chilled massage routines
- These are the opposite to Melt’s MasterClass. The type of thing you can do in public – on a picnic, by the pool on holidays or at home in front of the tele.
- You can easily share these with your children, friends or parents.
- Little to no oil is required – always a smart idea to know how to give a good head, hand or foot massage.
- Bi-Monthly Subscription
- $24.95
Every 2nd Month - No Lock In Contract / Cancel Anytime
- Head | Hands | Feet
- Billed Every 2nd Month
- For Couples on a Budget
- Downloadable Massage Routines
- Weekly PlayTime Classes
- One-Time Payment
- Yearly Subscription
- $72
12 months - No Lock In Contract / Cancel Anytime
- Head | Hands | Feet
- Billed Annually
- Great Value!
- Downloadable Massage Routines
- Weekly PlayTime Classes
- One-Time Payment
- Melt MasterClass & Head + Hands + Feet
- $599
- Billed Once – Never Again
- More Massage Routines
- Downloadable Massage Routines
- Weekly PlayTime Classes
- One-Time Payment