How to Begin Your Massage Perfectly Every Time!

Everything in life has a rhythm to it…

When two people find the same rhythm, it’s stunning to watch, like a salsa dance! Massage is one of the easiest way to find this rhythm together…

Today, I’m going to teach you how to apply oil, the sexy way! Let’s find your rhythm…

The first 30 seconds of your massage is super important…

Get it right and your partner will completely fall into you, trust your hands, you’ll be totally in sync and the rest of the massage will be a breeze.

Applying Oil The Right Way

That’s it – super simple, almost too simple. Get it right and your partner is putty in your hands. Get it wrong, you can still fake it until you make it, but it’s going to be an uphill battle.

A few takeaways:

  • 1. Contour your hands

    This is very important! This is what makes your massage strokes full and beautiful.

  • 2. Don’t worry about deep tissue…

    This comes later. Right now, it’s all about romancing your partner’s body! Gaining their trust and buiding the rhythm together.

  • 3. Keep to my pace.

    I move slow and with intention. Even though there is very little pressure – the stroke is deliberate and precise. I’m not a wet fish and I’m not slipping all over the place. Make the most of the oil drag – this will help your flow.

What Now?

Go grab your oil bottle – it’s On Sale.

On Sale at $14.95 – it’s half price

16oz of premium grade professional massage oil

Thats enough to last you more than 1 year with weekly massage

BONUS – 4oz bottle

BONUS – 3 caps

Get your oil on sale here:

Denis’ 16oz Cold Pressed Sweet Almond Oil on Amazon Right Here

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