Meet Denis Merkas, your massage expert. With 13 years experience, you’re in safe hands! A world-class practitioner, he’s looked after people like: Art Garfunkel, Pussy Cat Dolls, Pearl Jam, F1 drivers, Actors, Royalty… the list goes on.


PG rated – everyone is clothed. Beautifully shot and elegantly presented.


Make your partner fall in love with your hands… the video series below includes 3 massage routines + 17 massage techniques for you to follow along to.

These videos make even the most amazing relationships just that little… more… fun!


Made for your home! No massage tables, no fancy equipment and instant access. You can be massaging tonight, just add oil.


Visually stunning! Say hello to downtown Los Angeles.


Meet Emma Merkas, one very happy wife! Shes totally relaxed.. feeling loved and appreciated.


Perfect for Date Night at Home! With 3 massage routines, you can spread your date nights out over a whole month! So much fun… not only a creative date idea, but super cheap too.

Massage for Married Couples – VIDEO SERIES

The best STAY-HOME date idea you’ll do this year!



Massage for Married Couples

  • 3 Massage Routines with simple, beautiful instructions
  • 17 Massage Techniques so you’ll never get bored.
  • An amazing Date Night for two 

Includes everything a married couple needs to know for a decadent massage.

But don’t take our word for it – read what our customers are saying about the videos:

What People are Saying About Melt: Massage for Couples

A great way for us to be together and unwind and for just ten to fifteen minutes lose track of everything and intensely focus on each other.

A perfect treat for a memorable romantic night in, and allows you to connect with your spouse whether you have plenty of time, or only a little…

We’ve only made it through the 5 minute routine so far, but have already learned a lot, and realized we were doing a lot wrong for a long time! We were using the “pinchy-pinchy” method of massaging the shoulders, rather than contouring and keeping our palms and fingertips down, and what a difference such a small change can make!

The videos are super professional, easy to follow and relaxing just to watch and learn. Since we started the Melt series, our relationship has blossomed even more and become more intimate through these incredible massages. We can’t wait to try some more!

The videos are so well done – professional, compassionate, gentle and classy. I don’t think there is any other product out there quite like it around. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts in such an honest and loving way. You’ve helped bring us closer together and you’ve created more love in the world.

The techniques are simple but powerful, creating a relaxed closeness and connection. Denis has a really nice, easy presentation style that is engaging and informative. We recommend Melt for all couples!

Let’s Take a Look at What You Get in This 3 Part Series…

3 Massage Routines / 17 Massage Techniques

Simple instructions for a beautiful massage. Make your partner fall in love with your hands!

SNEAK PREVIEW – What You Learn in the Following 3 Series

2:15 – What to expect in this series (we won’t lie, it’s pretty good!)

Basic Series: The Date Night Experience

Perfect for the couple who want to play with a few massage strokes. 20 minutes to learn how to massage the back, neck and shoulders – then swap over. Finishes with a gentle, flowing massage sequence.

SERIES 1: Basic Massage Course (20 minutes of easy massage strokes)

This is perfect for a romantic date night at home. You don’t need to commit for a whole night of massage. It’s so simple that in 20 minutes you’ll be giving your partner their very first massage routine: a nice back, neck and shoulder massage. Afterwards, swap over and have your turn getting a massage. This makes for a pampering, relaxed date night loaded with romance.

0:53 – The most important strokes I’ll ever teach you. For real.

4:18 – First impressions count! This is how to apply oil the right way – and make it feel amazing.

3:39 – The most important massage stroke you’ll ever learn.

3:24 – A long, deep and rhythmical massage stroke. Delicious!

4:05 – The perfect release for the delicate muscles of the neck.

0:54 – A couple of hot tips before you begin your 5 minute massage routine.

6:13 The Basic Massage Routine – Stitching the basic techniques together to create your first short, but totally brilliant massage routine. Denis will talk you through each massage stroke, keeping you on track and making sure it’s sensational.

Highlights Series: The Romance Experience

This session is all about intimacy and romance. It’s right here where the magic happens.
By the end, this 15-minute massage routine will have your partner weak at the knees and begging for more.

SERIES 2: Learning Highlights (35 minutes of all the best massage techniques)

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s add some highlights to your massage… highlights are the secrets massage therapists use that creates amazing muscle tension release. It’s actually pretty easy – we all hurt in the same places! So let’s learn how to rub them right. This is where we really start to make you drool.

Session 1: Highlights – Making Your Partner Drool

1:26 – Knowing where to put your hands gets you halfway there. Knowing what to do with your hands once you’re there is what makes your partner melt.

7:01 – Golf Balls. It’s what we call the tension you feel in your shoulders. Learn how to release these nasty Golf Balls and your partner will love you forever. It’s pretty much a fact.

5:16  – Everybody has them, right between the shoulder blades. They’re super easy to massage with this rhythmic, deep stroke.

4:09 – Oh please, yes. You need to know how to massage The Money Shot… after all, it’s not called The Money Shot for no reason. An amazing neck technique that will leave you begging for more.

3:54 – This sensational technique will turn even the biggest of men into purring kittens. Everyone loves it. You will too.

3:49 – Anyone can Cat Walk. You don’t even need oil. This is a great lower back technique for releasing tension. NB: The Cat Walk drives women wild if they’ve been wearing high heels all day long!

4:02 – This is one of those spots you didn’t even know was sore until someone touched it. It’s good… no wait, it’s bad… no wait, it’s oh so good!

5:03 – A bonus round that covers some quick techniques to get in deeper on the upper arms and forearms.

1:00 – A quick message before you begin the 15-minute Highlights routine

Session 10: Massage Routine (15 minutes)
(a sexy follow-along massage routine)

14:50 Make your partner drool with a massage they’ll love! Denis talks you through each stroke and gives you tips on how to make this massage better then ever. Highly recommended when you’re first starting out with this routine. 

Advanced Series: The Perfect Massage

The following techniques will show you how to give your partner a massage they’ll never forget. Combining elements from the Basic and Highlights series with deep tissue techniques, the 30-minute routine at the end will make your sweetie melt.

SERIES 3: Thumbs + Kneading (The Deep Tissue Stuff – 17 minutes to learn)

These deep tissue techniques are for the enthusiastic couple that have already aced their way through all the previous techniques. If you want to take your massage to the next level, this is it. Here, we introduce massage techniques using thumbs (aka your secret weapon) and also some deep kneading techniques. Both are an integral part of any advanced massage routine.

Session 1: Why Thumbs Just Now?

1:45 – The reason we save thumbs for the end. And why massage is a slow build.

Session 2: Ski Jump – Thumbs

2:11 – A quick little technique, so simple and instinctive to do.

Session 3: Money Shot – Thumbs

2:09 – So, so good.

Session 4: The Spine and Train Tracks – Thumbs

2:56 – This is genius. Using thumbs on the Train Tracks adds a whole new dimension to this area.

Session 5: Bloody Hurts – Thumbs

3:53 – Be very careful with this spot! It’s delicate. It’ll make the biggest of men cry like babies.

Session 6: Golf Balls – Kneading

2:49 – This technique is so good that tomorrow she’ll be telling her friends about it!

Session 7: Upper Arms – Kneading

1:33 – It’s just like kneading dough!

Session 8: Before you Begin the 30min Routine

0:59 – The final pep talk before the big finale! Remember, make this massage count.

Session 9: Massage Routine (30 minutes)
(an epic follow-along massage routine)

30:45 An epic massage routine that will make your partner fall in love with your hands. Denis talks you through this routine, detailing what he’s doing with his hands to help you give your partner a massage unlike they’re ever had before. After this massage, they’ll never look at you the same again.

Get Instant Access To All These Videos


You can have access to all the videos above, and be massaging your partner tonight.
There’s so much info here that you’ll have enough techniques to keep your massage fresh for a long time.

Return to the routines any time you want to make your partner melt.

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$34.95 p/mRelaxation ClassesDeep Tissue ClassesMelt's MasterClassupgrade to MasterClass PROStarter ClassesThe BASICS$34.95 - access nowBeginner classes help you get startedYour partner will hum with pleasureFind all the spots that feel really good!For intimacy and connection
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