Melt's MasterClass

Everything you need to know to make your partner melt is found here

PlayTime (offer ends Feb 14)


4 massage classes over 4 weeks

Includes accountabilty coaching

Includes Prizes

Increases connection

Head Hands Feet

Head Hands Feet

Simple, easy to do and incredibly delicious

Massage Oil Is Best?

100% Almonds all natural

Only 1 ingredient - Almonds.

All natural, unscented and in a massive 16oz bottle

It's the same oil Denis has used for the past 20 years

Foot Stool

Includes internal tongue for easier filling and two safety zippers.

Zippers hide into the footstool for additional safety and so it doesn't scratch floor boards.

Footstools come flat packed (unfilled). It's cheaper for you to DIY stuffing - it's the ikea of Melt.

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